Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Weather!

The weather has been very mean-looking here lately, due to a tropical storm by the name of Isaac. And Isaac, has a nasty attitude that is shown by him clapping lightning bolts upon the ground, and sweats a whole lot, which produces rain among the people of the United States of America, particularly in the south. The storm itself went through Louisiana and we barely feel rain effects from this storm. Today in particular, I have woken to a cloudy darkness in the sky. I don't like that, I like sunny mornings. It kinda makes me worry a little bit for the people who are in the way of the storm and hope that they are alright. I hope this storm disappears soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Other Classes

I am currently taking six other classes besides this English Comp 1 class. They are: Math 800 and 801 (Intermediate Algebra and IA Lab), World History since 1648 (1020), Educ 1220 (College Readiness class), Biology 1010 and 1011 (Biology and Bio Lab).

My opinions of my other classes are: Math 800 has a good teacher. World History has a better teacher (in terms of how interesting the person is). Educ 1220 is a class that i find myself with more work in than most classes. I get really sleepy during the Biology, Bio Lab, and Math 800, because they are later in the day classes.

I particularly enjoy my history class the most because the teacher is very easy to follow along with, and i don't get sleepy in his class, because he tends to tell stories that are somewhat relevant to the lesson. In that class right now, we are discussing how South East Asia was during the 14th-19th centuries. In Biology and Bio Lab, we are working on Chemistry, things like molecules,  ions, bonds and other things of a chemistry nature. In Math 800 and 801, we are currently about to take our first test, on polynomials. In Educ 1220, as i mentioned earlier, i find that i usually work on stuff for that class fairly often, but, its suppose to be like that because i only have that class for 8 weeks.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

 My Discourse Community Blog!

My longest blog to date, is about the Discourse community. What's a discourse community? its the way you talk or act around different groups of people and the vocabulary that you use when you are around specific groups. the three i am going to blog about are, My Church, My parents, and My friends. I guarantee, most people do NOT have all the same vocabulary/discourse community when around everyone in there daily lives. It"s a kind of adaptable thing we as humans do to communicate, to be specific with close people.

My first discourse community- the Ada Chapel Bible Methodist Church! of course, the church life of anyone should be a really talked about discourse community. People are always nice and kind at my church, because we all know each other for the most part and respect and love one-another. so, we have nicer discourse community without all the vulgar language. Words or statements used for example: Salvation, "my walk with Christ", Father, Lord, Dear Heavenly Father, and many more examples of my Church discourse community verbiage are available.

My second discourse community- parents, surely everyone talks about this one, because i am 100% certain not every child talks to their parents like they do to friends. It's just not teenage like to have complete honesty, in terms of child talking-to-parent. Examples of my verbiage are- "im hungry", "did you bring anything home to eat?", "how did you get up before me, you always sleep late?", "come down here and watch t.v. with me!", "i want 2 Bacon egg and cheese Mc Griddles", and last but not least, "son, its times like these were you have to thank the Lord for letting you hit the golf-ball in the fairway", "TKD", "son, you have the prettiest blue eyes, but only because i made them".

My third and final discourse community is, my friends.- Every kid that has 'em, eventually develops their own discourse community, in about two minutes of meeting each other. Most all friendships thrive on words that relate to special things in their relationships. Whether it be things that makes them laugh, or happy, or cheers them up, whatever the case may be. Examples for me are as follows: "It's a Trap", "i want a pepsi max", "lets watch a disney movie", "Honey badger don't care", "o.k. princess", "Your best friend's a Gater?", "Senior Field Agent", "the Goodside", "How come you have betrayed us?, thats just one more person im gonna have to waste boot-power on", "Whatcha got to eat?", "im gonna beat you in Halo", "no, not even in your dreams, infact, the only way i would lose in Halo to you, is if God decided to chop my hands off so i couldnt use the controller, and i still have a 99.99993 percent win rate if i played using my toes". "true dat", "that's whats up", "burnt your biscuits", "nothing", "bring me, a shrubbery", "(evil clown laugh)", "why dont we just tag-team and shoot him since he is in the way of us shooting each other".

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I read How to read like a writer and I found it to be interesting that you can read from the writers point of view. The different ways to get peoples attention when starting writing and thinking like what type of crowd that you appease. I used to read and write a lot when I was younger, but I lost my interest in reading for the longest time. Now I feel like I can only read what peaks my interest, to actually be into what I'm reading. I thought it was a good experience to try to think differently in terms of reading from the author's point of view.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I am planning on majoring in Athletic Training. So that way, I can go into any of the following professions: Coaching, Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, Sports Medicine,Personal Trainig, and other things of that nature. As for a career, Iam really unsure what I want my career to be, but I have picked a good major that can stem-out and be relevant to all of these careers.

Things that i used to want to do:

A few years ago i actually thought about Politics, but some self realization made me think, "I hate talking infront of large amounts of people", so it was kinda shot out of the sky.

There was a decently long time where I wanted to be a special agent for the F.B.I. or some organization that had to do with Law Enforcement. But, I knew that these are fairly low paying jobs, so I decided I wasnt doing that.

Hey yall, I'm Cayman Seagle. I am from West Blocton, (that's in Bibb County AL, under Tuscaloosa).
This is my first blog!

English is my worst subject. I am kinda english illiterate. (See i just tried to use a big word). I am also not very wonderful with computers. Some times, I think English is a honeybadger getting ready to attack me. I just dont find English very fun. Except for British Literature, I do like it. I have learned in my years of taking high school english is that I am terrible with grammar.

Ok, moving on to a different subject, english is kinda depressing. So, im gonna talk more about me.
I go to college at Auburn University of Montgomery, Go Warhawks! After my freshman year here at AUM, I plan on going to Auburn University and I plan on majoring in Athletic Training. Oh, and I also a pretty big Auburn fan, War Eagle! I wish that AUM had a college football team, but unfortuantely, they dont. unhappyface.