Thursday, November 1, 2012

3 months of college soo far

Well, i have been attending AUM for 3 months now, and it has been very stressful on me for 2 reasons, but one of them I am keeping to myself. I never really had encountered a lot of stress in high school, because I for the most part just kept to myself, but now that college and all these assignments and essays are starting to take their toll on me. Luckily, i have managed to have A's and B's in most of my classes. One class i am struggling in particularly is my Math 800 course. The teacher is just not a good teacher (not going to reveal his name on internet). He doesn't relate with his students, and he expects you to know details about things he doesn't even take time to teach us in class. He is huge on using the correct "math vocabulary". So one test, he had a question that asked to use correct vocabulary, so on that question, not only did i use the correct vocabulary, i even underlined the definitions. Guess what, he still counted off points for me NOT using the correct vocabulary. I have had 3 tests in that class and i have made a D in all 3 of them. I was cheated out of a C on the last test. I know one thing is for sure, I'm never scheduling his class again, regardless of whether or not i pass it this time.

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