Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Politics- What side I am NOT on

I would tell you that i am on Mitt Romney's side, but that isnt whole heartedly the case. I am absolutely Anti-Obama, for many good reasons. Which i am about to list:

1) Obamacare is unconstitutional. The Government is not suppose to force anything on anyone, and Obamacare is breaking that promise. Basically, Obamacare is where they tax the middle and upper class to help support the people that either literally cant take care of themselves/people that COULD work for a living, but choose not to due to laziness. That my friends, is Socialism (a relative to Communism I might add).

2) Lies. Obama claimed he would cut government spending, yet he only drives us through the roof with more debt. This is not an honest person that we elected president. He himself claims to be Christian, but he stated in a speech that the United States is no longer a Christian nation.

3) A particular fact. Obama believe it or not, Technically wasn't born in the United States. He was born in Hawaii yes, but that was years before Hawaii actually became a state. So, he actually wasnt born a United States citizen.

4) Back to Obamacare. I have read things about Obama Care (pros and cons) and one particular con absolutely disturbs me. Its called a Death Panel. It basically is where Obamacare will refuse to give medical care to anyone past the age of 65 and basically lets them die of "natural selection". Dont believe me? Go research it yourself, literally look up Obamacare Death Panels, and read everything you can. Say for example, my friend Erica had an elderly relative that went to some doctors office (I cant remember all the details to the story), but anyway, when she went the doctor/assistant literally asked her how she wanted to die. Erica's relative was confused and asked for an explanation. The doctor said that Obamacare actually is forcing medical staffs to ask this, then the doctor lady went on about how Obamacare would not treat people of a certain age limit if they were dying of a life-threatening ailment. They could be prescribed medicine for pain, but Obamacare refuses the persons' right to live, even if the life-threatening ailment can be fought off and the elderly person could survive it.


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