Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A time I hid from someone-THE WALMART GAMES

Oh joy, the wonders of hiding. this is going to be a little kid story. Hehe. Honestly, i dont remember a whole lot, so, im just gonna lie about most of it to appease the audience.

There was one time where i and mom went to walmart. I liked to play a game called, "hide from mom and scare her to death".  Keep in mind, i was only a mere little child. Anyway, i would run around the store and hide from not just mom, but all people. and what better place than hiding inside the circular clothes-racks. it was such a comfortable feeling knowing that i could hide in a pretty comfy place while knowing you were "invisible". I played this game many-o-times. Every time, mom found me. So, i never won the game, but i tried really hard, trollololol. Also, i and a few friends played a game called "spy" where we had to run across walmart from corner to opposite corner without being seen a certain amount of times. If we had gotten seen once, we lost a life. Before we started each game, we decided on a certain amount of lives to start out with. If we ran out of lives, we lost and gave each other wedgies for losing. It felt great to have never lost, lol, because i would lie about losing, trollolol.

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