Tuesday, November 27, 2012

College football blog

So, the BCS (ranking system of college football teams) has been all screwed up this late season, but luckily it wasnt this bad this past week and there is actual stability for the National Championship picture. The winner of the SEC Championship (#2 Alabama vs #3 Georgia, both 11-1 records) will play #1 Notre Dame (12-0 record) for the National Championship. If alabama plays NotreDame, i hope Notre Dame wins, because i am sick and tired of bama fans, lol. They just get on my stinkin nerves, i cant stand them. (At least the radical bama fans, i know most bama fans are decent people). If Georgia plays NotreDame, i might might consider Georgia as the team to win, but its kinda hard for me, because my Heisman Frontrunner (Manti Te'o Linebacker) plays for ND. I'll probably just pull for Notre Dame anyway, because i like Manti Te'o alot. He is probably my favorite player in college football today. The off the field things he has overcome and how he has led the NotreDame defense to an undefeated season, has truely struck me as the most deserving of all the Heisman candidates.

Auburn/College Football Blog

Well, Auburn ended out with a 49-0 shutout in the Ironbowl. I really wanted my team to keep it close, but that obviously didnt happen. And now Gene Chizik (Head Coach) was fired Sunday. Why didnt they just fire the coordinators? They did terrible this year, which the whole team did as well ending 3-9. Ugh, i hope they hire the best coach available, whoever it may be. Auburn has the talent to be a 10 win team,  but the coaching and play calling were horrific this season, i have never been so glad to see the end of a college season. I actually went to Bryant Denny Stadium with my dad and uncle to watch the Ironbowl (Both huge bama fans) and they had a great time (i didnt because it was depressin g to watch my team get eaten alive and it was like 40 degrees outside, and i had a headache from a lack of caffeine). so yeah, that wasnt very fun.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I think that the older we get, we start to realize how much things mean to us. While we are younger kids, we generally only think of ourselves before others, but as we age everything stops being about ourselves. It's most definitely not good to be all about yourself, as you will miss many things in life that are important. It's important to be thankful for the things that you have today, because tomorrow you may wake up to find that whatever it is you enjoy may be completely gone. So, just be thankful for the people and things you care about the most.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Grammatical Series Exercise blog

I play Halo, I play football, I play basketball, I play guitar, I play make-believe pirate games (arrgh me landlubbers), I play with my food, I play because it makes me happy.

I don't wanna go to school today, I don't wanna wake up early for class, I don't wanna watch The Notebook because it's a chick flick, I don't ever wanna watch a chick flick..... period.

You enjoy Halo much like myself, You enjoy football, You enjoy my little kid sense-of-humor/childlike wonder, You enjoy the time we spend together, You enjoy taking me to TacoBell on our late night runs!

Auburn Football Blog (loss vs Georgia)

Well, that Auburn game was greatly disappointing. Losing 38-0. A goose egg? really? Cant even score 1 touchdown at home. I am greatly disappointed in my Auburn Tigers this season, now they are 2-8. Luckily they play Alabama A+M next week at home, so maybe they'll pull a thirs and final win for the year, because Alabama is gonna eat Auburn alive.

Previously ranked #1 Alabama is no more after losing Texas A+M 29-24. I was so happy and i savored every moment of that game, especially the last few moments when the game winded down the clock. It's the first time since the LSU game in regular season last year that they lost. I hope that their team gets absolutely dejected for the rest of the season so maybe Auburn could turn them for a headspin when they play them in the IronBowl.

Halo 4 Campaign

The campaign for Halo 4 is pretty good. I had the chance to play it in some off time and i completed it on easy. The missions scenery and the maps are extremely well done. The new enemies in game are called Prometheans (a type of Forerunner) and they are led by the evil Didect who is bent on destroying humanity itself. Among all of this, Cortana (the main character's Artificial Intelligence) has aged just past a common endpoint stage of AI life called "Rampancy" where the AI is just dying of old age/overload in data. So, not only does MasterCheif (main character) have to stop the Didect, but he also is in a rush to save Cortana. Alas, I have spoilered too much...


I celebrate two different Thanksgivings, both of which have the usual chicken and dressing (my favorite) and the other foods vary greatly. I love both ham and turkey, so no personal bias against the other. They both are always potluck, but on dad's side whoever household is hosting, that person cooks the main stuff like chicken and dressing etc. Mom's family is always potluck because we always meet at my great-grandmother's house, and alot of people come to eat.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Auburn going into week 11 vs #5 Georgia

So #5 ranked Georgia comes to Auburn this week as they face off in college football's Deep South's Oldest Rivalry Game. Auburn, who has done terribly this season does have alot of talent and has the ability to play a really hard game (as shown in the game vs a top 10 LSU earlier in the year), so i'm really hoping that Auburn team makes its way back onto the field come Saturday, but unfortunately the experts are saying that it will be a 16.5 point deficit that Auburn will lose by. Honestly i wouldn't care if Auburn lost this game, as long as they play hard and keep it close to the end. War Eagle!!!

My Thanksgiving Holiday

Since im an only child of divorced parents, i get the privilege to go to 2 different Thanksgiving meal stuffing families dinners. Thanksgiving is by far my solid 3rd favorite holiday being behind Christmas at 2nd and Halloween as my all time favorite (just because i have had many memories of working at a couple of haunted houses and the fun that was). I just love thanksgiving because its a free right to just stuff your belly with delicious food to your hearts content. And i absolutely love chicken and dressing. Literally, if gifts/presents were added to thanksgiving, it would be the exact same as Christmas and it would easily be bumped up to a tie for my 2nd favorite holiday along with Christmas!

Halo 4 (first post after buying and playing it)

So I went to gamestop and bought Halo 4 yesterday. Later on around 7:00 or 8:00pm, we went to the warhawk lounge and played it's splitscreen multiplayer until 1:00 in the morning. We played 4 person splitscreen and most of the time we were playing free for all, which is every person for themselves. The graphics for the scenery and maps looked really good and the gameplay was really fast paced when we all played on smaller maps. I kinda played like a "kid on candy" referring to sprinting around the map and jumping constantly, but i do that so everyone else cant precisely shoot me when i engage them in combat. I also liked to throw alot of grenades, but most people were annoyed by my "kid on candy" play, and jumping in vehicles and splattering everyone. The guns on the game have been "re-sounded" and the rounds of guns sound much beefier than in previous games. It was extremely competitive. The only thing i was disappointed in is that unlike most Halo games, the maps do not have spawned weapons (weapons that are available on the map to pick up off the ground and use) which kinda took away from the "originalness" of Halo from me. Coincidentally, Halo 4's multiplayer has picked up many traits of the gameplay of Call of Duty, such as the grenade warning signal onscreen (when one gets near you), and your restriction to loadouts (weaponry that you spawn with), and ordinance (when compared to call of duty, its basically the same thing as a kill streak). But in Blackops 2 (call of duty game coming soon) is going for a more futuristic style of gameplay (Halo is a game designed as a futuristic humans vs aliens game), so basically both games are copying eachother to evolve and become better gaming franchises.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halo 4

Yeahhhh boiiiiii. Halo 4 comes out today (first person shooter game). I dont know if im gonna go buy it today, but i would absolutely love to! Halo is my favorite gaming franchise of all time, so even if i dont get it today, ill surely have it by Christmas. But Christmas is nearly 2 months away, so thats a long time. I cant wait to get this game and play it with friends on multiplayer! So much fun shooting guns and riding around in warthogs and killing friends. Such a great way to spend time with people ya care about, lol. halo is such a joy for me :)

Auburn Football, 2-7

Finally, Auburn has one a football game for the first time in Months! War Eagle! It would've been entirely too embarrassing had Auburn lost to the terrible team they played. It was a super easy team for homecoming week. I'm just really glad they won a game. Now that AU is 2-7 for the year, with only 3 games left im hoping Auburn can end it out 5-7, but AU plays 2 of those games against top 10 teams @ home against Georgia and @ Bryant Denny Stadium vs Alabama. So, more than likely, AU is gonna end out with a 3-9 record. i just want this season to be over.

Politics- What side I am NOT on

I would tell you that i am on Mitt Romney's side, but that isnt whole heartedly the case. I am absolutely Anti-Obama, for many good reasons. Which i am about to list:

1) Obamacare is unconstitutional. The Government is not suppose to force anything on anyone, and Obamacare is breaking that promise. Basically, Obamacare is where they tax the middle and upper class to help support the people that either literally cant take care of themselves/people that COULD work for a living, but choose not to due to laziness. That my friends, is Socialism (a relative to Communism I might add).

2) Lies. Obama claimed he would cut government spending, yet he only drives us through the roof with more debt. This is not an honest person that we elected president. He himself claims to be Christian, but he stated in a speech that the United States is no longer a Christian nation.

3) A particular fact. Obama believe it or not, Technically wasn't born in the United States. He was born in Hawaii yes, but that was years before Hawaii actually became a state. So, he actually wasnt born a United States citizen.

4) Back to Obamacare. I have read things about Obama Care (pros and cons) and one particular con absolutely disturbs me. Its called a Death Panel. It basically is where Obamacare will refuse to give medical care to anyone past the age of 65 and basically lets them die of "natural selection". Dont believe me? Go research it yourself, literally look up Obamacare Death Panels, and read everything you can. Say for example, my friend Erica had an elderly relative that went to some doctors office (I cant remember all the details to the story), but anyway, when she went the doctor/assistant literally asked her how she wanted to die. Erica's relative was confused and asked for an explanation. The doctor said that Obamacare actually is forcing medical staffs to ask this, then the doctor lady went on about how Obamacare would not treat people of a certain age limit if they were dying of a life-threatening ailment. They could be prescribed medicine for pain, but Obamacare refuses the persons' right to live, even if the life-threatening ailment can be fought off and the elderly person could survive it.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Auburn football week 10 (new mexico state game)

As i have mentioned many o' times, Auburn has had a horiffic season. Luckily, we are playing a nobody team this week, so maybe Auburn stands a halfway decent chance of winning this game. New mexico state has lost as many games as Auburn this year, plus their caliber of players are not up to par with the talent Auburn has. So maybe, just maybe, Auburn will win this game and go 2-7 for the season.

3 months of college soo far

Well, i have been attending AUM for 3 months now, and it has been very stressful on me for 2 reasons, but one of them I am keeping to myself. I never really had encountered a lot of stress in high school, because I for the most part just kept to myself, but now that college and all these assignments and essays are starting to take their toll on me. Luckily, i have managed to have A's and B's in most of my classes. One class i am struggling in particularly is my Math 800 course. The teacher is just not a good teacher (not going to reveal his name on internet). He doesn't relate with his students, and he expects you to know details about things he doesn't even take time to teach us in class. He is huge on using the correct "math vocabulary". So one test, he had a question that asked to use correct vocabulary, so on that question, not only did i use the correct vocabulary, i even underlined the definitions. Guess what, he still counted off points for me NOT using the correct vocabulary. I have had 3 tests in that class and i have made a D in all 3 of them. I was cheated out of a C on the last test. I know one thing is for sure, I'm never scheduling his class again, regardless of whether or not i pass it this time.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Redneck vs Inbred Person blog

The term "Redneck" tends to be synonymous with "Inbred person" in many people's minds. They see southern people as ugly and lacking fashion sense. However, the definition of inbred is basically where people who are in the same immediate family sexually reproduce within that same group of people. On the contrary, Rednecks are not inbred. Rednecks are just southern folk that have a simple way of life, whether it be plowing the dirt to get ready for harvesting fruits/vegetables for the family to eat, or going to the industrial mill to work to provide the big money for his family. Redneck actually was a derogatory word that portrayed southern folks as poor in financial stature and not having alot of knowledge about newer technology. The truth is, is that the term "Redneck" has actually has become less derogatory, thanks to the Comedian Jeff Foxworthy. He actually embraced the "Redneck" inside of him, uses it all in comedy, and found a way to boost the morale of all rednecks and fully embrace that they work harder than most to earn their pay. In this essay, i have broken down what each term of what "Redneck" and "Inbred Person" are and now you as an audience will know that there is in fact a difference.

Week 10 College Football Blog

Well, its week 10 and Auburn is 1-7 for the season. After getting manhandled by Texas A+M 63-21, this tiger season will for sure be a bowl gameless season, and im quite sure that some coaches are gonna get fired. Ugh. The worst season in 60 years, and Auburn won the BCS National Championship just two years ago. How did they fall soo far? Once again, ugh. And there is the University of Alabama, (Auburn's archrival) sitting uptop as the best team in college football. It would take an act of God for Auburn to win this year's IronBowl @ UA.

Now to a different subject, because AU is just too depressing to continue talking about.

How about that Notre Dame @ Oklahoma game this past saturday? My goodness those Fighting Irish looked pretty good on Defense. The Middle Linebacker for Notre Dame (named Manti Teo) had a great performance, and if Notre Dame goes completely undefeated for the whole season, he would be my favorite for the Heisman. Which it would be pretty cool for a defensive player to win the Heisman because that hasn't happened since Charles Woodson won the Heisman. Manti Teo has had soo many challenges in his life this season as his grandmother and girlfriend died on the same day, in such a short amount of time. He had to overcome alot for his team, and he has found a way to be an inspirational leader for the Notre Dame team. His ability to overcome soo much has him pegged as my favorite for the Heisman this year.

The Case for Torture Blog

In his essay, "The Case for Torture", Michael Levin argues that if law enforcement/military is put into a situation where if the only way to find/stop a terrorist from attacking and killing many people, that they should be able to torture him if he refuses to tell the information needed to stop the attack. He goes on to talk about the points of views where it can be rationalized to torture the terrorist, and the other point of view where he reasonably argues against someone refusing to let the terrorist be tortured.

I for one fully agree with Michael Levin in this essay. If i was the one that had to make the call on whether or not the terrorist needed torturing, i would easily say "yes, torture is necessary". Not saying that it wouldn't be a difficult decision, but i would much rather torture one evil man to a near point of death vs letting millions of innocent people die. Quite frankly, it seems like a no-brainer to me. Unless you don't have a conscious and you could live the choice of letting all of those innocent people die.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My toe blog2

My toe looks much better after the 6th day outta surgery. I have been putting bandages/polysporin on it everyday, and wore sandals a few days (im sure everyone appreciated smelling my feet), lol. But yeah, my toe is gettin better all the time, so it wont be long. This will probably be my last toeblog, but who knows.

Goodbye to the Work Ethic

In her essay from the late eighties entitled, "Goodbye to the Work Ethic," social critic Barbara Ehrenreich asserts that, yuppies (quite frankly she didnt even explain what yuppies are) work too hard and make everyone else look bad because everyone else doesn't work as hard. She just goes on and complains more about "work ethic" and time periods that maybe work ethic actually came to be. She also talks about motherhood among things that strikes as Work Ethic.

Although I disagree with an overwhelming majority of what Ehrenreich says, i only agree to her final standpoint where everyone should just get there job done, and no one should have to complain about other people not pulling there weight. She just seemed so incredibly disagreeable to me in this essay. Its great to have a good work ethic. Work Ethic puts money in our pockets to put food on the table. I think i just said enough.

Halo Blog- it finally happened

After many many years of dominating friends on the Halo game i talk about alot, i finally played someone last night who truly showed me that they were better than me. That sucked, but now i know there is room for improvement. I dont really have time for improvement since im in college right now, and she takes up alotta my time, so this might be the close end to my Halo Career. It seems just like yesterday i started out, but oh well.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. Why? Because, i used to work in haunted houses and scare people. I find it very fun to scare people in that fashion. I mean c'mon, who doesn't love a clown chasing you around with a chainsaw? Well, for a few years at the Haunted Houses, i used to be a clown that just runs around chasing the frightened with a chainsaw. Its such a great sight to witness all that excitement on their faces. I did my best to make sure the scared people got their money's worth. I mean, yeah, there are gonna be plenty of people that go to Haunted Houses and just dont get scared, mainly because they know that nothing there would hurt them, or nothing there just doesnt scare them. I have worked at them long enough that i can go to other places and not get scared, but ill get very excited and it brings me joy to be there for that stuff. So, thats my halloween blog

Auburn @ Vanderbilt (college football blog)

My auburn football team played at vanderbilt last week and lost 17-13. Very dissapointing loss for my tigers. Now they are 1-6 for the year, but congratulations to a certain person is in order! The starting runningback for vanderbilt, his name is Zac Stacey, and he set the new all time rushing yards mark for Vanderbilt football with 2,660+  yards rushing for a career. He passed this mark during the 4th quarter vs Auburn. Why do i congratulate him? Because, Zac Stacey is from Centreville Alabama, which is currently where my home is (aside from staying on campus for the week). So, congrats on the new record Z-man.

Give me that old time feminism Blog

In  her 2006 essay for the Huffington Post, "Give Me that Old Time Feminism", New York Times bestselling author Barbara Erhrenreich asserts that, old time feminism is dying out and how some of the older feminism groups have started calling of the dogs and have given in to the new role for women in society. However, noting that there are still some old time feminists still out there ready to make a big deal about the mistreatment of women, and to fight pornography and fight for women's rights among many other things. Then she brings the point to the table about how Islamic culture treats women like chattel (property).

I dont necessarily think think that full-on feminism is the way to go, but i do agree with many points that she has in terms of how women are treated in the world today, and how they have been treated. I did start off reading it and it seemed extremely boring, but then i read to where she talked about Islamists, and i was like Yes ,that culture does treat women like crap, this lady has made an excellent point, thus making me somewhat interested. The way Islamic culture treats women is horrific to say the least. If any women think they have it bad here, they really would not last long in largely Islamic cultured countries.

My toe (dont read if you grossout easily)

I had surgery done on my big toe on my right foot friday, because it looked slightly infected. well, come to findout, i had an ingrown toenail, so whenever i went to the clinic thing friday, we just went on ahead and fixed it while i was there. Now i am currently taking meds for it and waiting for my toe's full recovery. Its not the first time i have had an ingrown toenail, on that same toe. I had the previous one worked on in 7th grade in middleschool.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

(new) entitled to opinion part 2

I disagree, because his point of view on all of this is to basically try to be right all of the time. Being right all the time isn't worth it. We gotta lose sometimes. Honestly, i kinda drudged my way through reading this because it was a great deal of nothing but boring to me. But, that's just my opinion. And apparently, i'm not entitled to it. If we weren't entitled to our opinions and acted on them, no American would be American , because if the colonists hadn't decided to rebel from Great Britain (they weren't entitled to their opinion, but they still did what they thought was best, to separate from them) there would've been no revolution, thus we would probably be a great big colony for England to this day. Just food for thought "Mr. Thinker"


In Patrick Stokes, Lecturer and Philosopher at Deacon University's Article, "No Your not Entitled to Your Opionion", the author claims that in order for you to be right, you must know what you are talking about. I agree to that much, but once again, i disagree with his attitude, because it doesnt matter if im right or wrong, i can still have an opinion. If you dont like my opinion, you stink! (Once again, me showing off my opinion skills, lol). I am in the half-and-half boat on this, because he comes off as arrogant to me, even though he might be correct to a certain point (like i mentioned earlier).

Transition of vehicles-Sheila to ?

I used to drive a Black 2005 Nissan Titan. She was my first vehicle. I had a name for her, "Sheila". She rode me all around and she was very good to me, she never gave me any problems, nor did she nag at me or back talk me. I loved her. But this past weekend, dad traded sheila in for a new car. A White 2012 Nissan Altima. truthfully, i always had a secret affair with Altima's behind Sheila's back. So basically, i turned my back on a lady that always trusted me (never a good thing for men to do). But now i have my new car, i have yet to come up with a female car name for her.

One great thing about my new car, is that she has 30 highway mpg and 27-28 town mpg vs my truck having 21 highway mpg and 17 town mpg.

College Football Blog 10-18-12

Well, here it is, another college football blog. Yeah, my Auburn tigers are 1-5 for the year so far, so not very good to be an Auburn fan right now. Auburn isnt even gonna make it to a bowlgame this year :( and here comes the archrival of Auburn being #1 ranked footballteam of University of "those that must not be named" strutting around like they own all of college football. But come the end of November, there gonna get theirs! War Eagle

Fear-My Halloween Blog

I used to work in a couple of Haunted Houses in Bibb County for a few years. I worked as a clown with a chainsaw for the past two or three years and i love to chase people around that are just terrified of clowns and chainsaws. The last three years i worked in one, our gang had moved to an old town multi-story jail, and i worked between the epic "Clown room" and "the outside" were people have to walk around for a minute and i could jump out and scare them. I liked the outside best, because i had a good place to hide in and surprise the people. But, in the outside area is an opening that goes to the basement of the jail. There is no door or anything, its just and opening where you can walk in and out of. Anyway i had someone tell me to go down in there and jump out to scare the people when they come by. That basement has such an eerie feeling to it, there was no way i was gonna hide in the opening to jump out, because i thought something in the basement would drag me in and i would never be seen or heard from again. That jail has had a good bit of history behind it enough to scare me for those reasons. One room they had called the Hanging room, because that's how they killed many prisoners. That floor of the jail is always creepy when your alone there. One night, i actually kinda want to "spend the night" at the jail, but i'm pretty sure that after an hour or so, i would be entirely too freaked out to stay, alone anyway, lol.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I love to go paintballing! A few friends and I from church are gonna play soon, so i thought I'd blog about it. I have 2 paintball guns, plus one that really isnt mine, but i have been borrowing it for many years now. My 2 paintball guns are: Tippmann 98 Custom (best beginner paintball gun ever), and the U.S. Army Tippmann Alpha Black Tactical paintball gun, which looks similar to an M16. The gun i have been borrowing is a Spyder Victor 2, which is a good (speedball) play paintball gun gun. The first two i mentioned are better (Woodsball) guns.

No, your not entitled to your opinion blog

I disagree, because his point of view on all of this is to basically try to be right all of the time. Being right all the time isn't worth it. We gotta lose sometimes. Honestly, i kinda drudged my way through reading this because it was a great deal of nothing but boring to me. But, that's just my opinion. And apparently, i'm not entitled to it. If we weren't entitled to our opinions and acted on them, no American would be American , because if the colonists hadn't decided to rebel from Great Britain (being entitled to their own opinion to separate from them) there would've been no revolution, thus we would probably be a great big colony for England to this day. Just food for thought "Mr. Thinker"

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Youngtower Library Scavengerhunt

 I had written down three call no. codes to look for three books, and unfortunately, i couldn't find one of them. It must have been checked out or something.

1)GV955.5.N35 N3

Title- The NFL's Official Encyclopedia History of Professional Football
Author- NFL
Publication Information- Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.
                                         866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022
                                         Collier-Macmillan Canada Ltd, Toronto, Ontario
                                         Printed in Italy by Mondadori, Verona
                                         First Printing 1973

2) ML102.C7 S7 1997 (this is the one i couldn't find)
i dont exactly remember what the title of it was, but it was something along the lines of a country music encyclopedia

3) GV1113.N67 A3 1988
Title- The Secret of Inner Strength
Author- Chuck Norris with Joe Hyams
Publication Information- Copyright 1988 by TopKick Productions and Joe Hyams
                                         Published simultaneously in Canada by Little, Brown &
                                         Company (Canada) Limited

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Technology Blog- Halo

Halo- halo is a video game made only for the Xbox consoles. The original Halo Combat Evolved however, was also made for the p.c., but every game in this series since has been purely made for Xbox/Xbox360.  In the campaign of Halo-Halo 3, you assume the role of Spartan 117, a human enhanced in battle armor designed to help the UNSC (United Nations Space Corps) fend off the Alien race known as the Covenant. There are ring worlds, called "Halos", that the first 2 games revolve around. The Halos are super weapons, that were designed to eradicate all sentient life in a galaxy. The Covenant religiously believe that these Halo's are not a super weapon, but a path to a "Great Journey" were when all covenant go through, they believe themselves to become Gods. John (Spartan 117) with the help of Cortana (an Artificial Intelligence, also known as A.I.) must do all he can to stop the covenant from achieving the covenant goal of starting the "Great Journey", otherwise all of humanity is doomed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A couple of my favorite famous people


Chuck Norris- Most people know him from his role in Walker Texas Ranger as the protagonist character Cordell Walker. What most people don't know is his life story. He has written a book called "Against All Odds" which is his life story. It consists of the struggles he has faced and how he came to stardom and how he has faced life's adversities, against all odds. I would recommend this book to anyone, because we all may not have the same struggles, but all humans have to face adversity.

Bruce Lee- A man that has made a whole worldly impact through his life's work, but not just by acting in famous movies like Enter the Dragon or Way of the Dragon, but he has impacted through his philosophical studies as well. Unfortunately, he died of a brain aneurysm, living a young life up to the age of 32 in 1973. He was one of the all time greatest martial artists and probably would've been the greatest movie star ever had his life not been cut short.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I love movies. They are a wonderful source of entertainment. Quite frankly, i have multiple favorite movies. So basically, i am just gonna list my favorite types of movies and examples of those.

I like Comedies, Action/Adventures, Science Fiction, some Horrors, and i am an absolute sap-sucker for Superhero movies

And here are my favorite movies:

1) The Dark Knight
2) Talledega Nights (the Ballad of Ricky Bobby)
3) Marvel's The Avengers
4) The Expendables 2
5)  Most of the Rocky and Rambo film series except Rocky 5 and Rambo 3
6) Die Hard film series
7) Godzilla (1998)
8) The Halloween Film series except  Halloween 3
9) Gran Torino

Wierd day in the workplace

I actually do not have a job, but i have friends that do, so, im just gonna tell you about one time that my friend had a weird day on the job, but i was there for that weird day. My friend Erica that works at the gas station, usually has some pretty interesting customers and at times, some of them are scary, and you have to be aware for when they are around. There is a dude that's usually in town named "Tim" who is one of those guys we gotta look out for. Whats so bad about Tim you ask? Lets just say, the guy has alotta tattoos and he is skinny from his "familiarity" with drugs. Luckily the dude is kinda my short height, so i know i could take him if i needed to in case if he tried to stir up some trouble. Anyway, the story itself starts here. One night i am hanging out with Erica at the gas station, and its just the two of us, then Tim walks in the store to buy some stuff and he gets ready to checkout and starts flirting with Erica. But when i say flirt, he is using some vulgar language, so she is getting fairly nervous, and you know what i'm doing in the middle of all this? Being distracted by a football game. Erica tried desperately multiple times to make eye contact with me, but no woman dare come between a man and his watching a football game, lol just kidding. Unfortunately, she never got my attention, and eventually he stopped being vulgar and she basically got him to leave on her own. If i would've known all that was happening, I would've wiped the floor with his face and drug him outta the store from unconsciousness. But eventually, with police involvement, he came back the next day and apologized, So in the end, it was best that i didn't do anything, this time anyway.

Monday, October 1, 2012

College Football Predictions-Preseason and Week 6 changes

Before this college football season started, i had predictions for the winner of the Heisman Trophy and who would play for the National Championship. My preseason National Championship game would be played between Univeristy of South California and University of Oklahoma, which USC would win. Now looking in to week 6, i change my national championship picture to the game being played between the University of Alabama and University of Oregon, where Alabama wins it's 2nd straight National championship and The state of Alabama wins the last 4 straight National Championship games. Preseason, i had University of Wisconsin running back Montee Ball winning the Heisman by a rockslide, but now that Wisconsin is not playing well at all. I change my pick @ week 6 to be West Virginia's quarterback Geno Smith, who is an extremely talented quarterback that has accounted for 20 touchdowns, no interceptions, and we are only halfway through the season. Now with that being said, lets see if i get any of this right.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Musical Interests

This is my blog about the kinds of music that i listen to. I am what i call "Musically Bias" because some music just gets on my nerves to hear.

1) Some older compared to newer country like George Strait, Alan Jackson, and Garth Brooks.
2) Some newer country, but not alot of it, because some newer country just annoys me greatly.
3) 70's and 80's rock is the bulk of what i listen to, artists like Bon Jovi, Journey, Boston, ACDC, and Def Leppard, among others.
4) Some 80's "Pop" music, like Michael Jackson and The Commodores/Lionel Richie
5) Last but not least, some of todays' newer rock, like Daughtry, 3 Doors Down, and Nickelback (yes i know, alotta people think Nickelback is terrible), but i like them.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Groceries in my room

I keep a minifridge in my room in north commons, so i buy groceries to fill the sucker up with loads of food. This blog is basically me revealing to the world what all lies in my fridgerator.
     1) Strawberry Yogurt.
     2) Salad Stuff: romaine, spinach, ceasar salad, croutons, and planters nuts
     3) Carrots and Ranch Dip
     4) Sandwich stuff: roast beef slices, turkey, ham, and cheese
     6) Baked Lays BBQ chips
     7) last but not least, huge amounts and assortments of Chef Boyardees

Blog Day 9/27/2012

Today is officially a blog day. I am pretty sure I have blogged my fourth blog and am currently working on my 5th blog. Today is truely a "Blog Clinical Day", if i am correct, this oughtta be my 18th of 70 blogs i need to blog. which means, i am literally gonna have to blog once or twice a day now, especially if we are almost to the halfway marker of the course. Half of 70 is 35, and have of 35 is 17 1/2, which i have surpassed thank goodness. But still, only 18 is not good. I might have to come up with some random "off the wall" ideas for blogs. You will know when i do.

Auburn Football

I love Auburn football. Right now, im kinda dissapointed because they set themselves up for a losing season. But, i am proud of the really good defensive game they played against LSU this past weekend, which could re-ignite their season after disappointing losses to Clemson and the Blowout by Mississippi State.  Right now, i am picking SEC games with Erica (my friend that works at the gas station) and i have picked two of the Auburn games wrong soo far (clemson and mississippi state), so im not doing so well picking my team's games. I hope that their season really turns around, because they will need it when it comes time for the IRON-BOWL at Bryant Denny Stadium (when they play instate-rival University of Alabama). As you all may know, U of A, is kinda the number 1 ranked team in the country, and auburn probably isn't ranked in the top 40 right now. ugh. I hope my Auburn Tigers get there season together.


I used to take taekwondo. I started when i was 11, and took it until i turned 13.. After I turned 13, i stayed out of it for years. One summer a couple of years ago, i started back and took it for one final year, but i ultimately stopped going. one reason i did stop was because i was suffering from a sinus infection for a few months that hindered my ability to spar well. it kinda made my stomach upset every time i tried to spar, but i couldn't without risking barfing all over the floor. They wouldn't have appreciated having to clean that up. I eventually had a sinus surgery where they sucked up all the infection, but i never returned after that. Its really a kinda sad thing for me becasuse i really loved doing taekwondo, and it was something that i was really good at. Right now, I have earned my Senior First Degree Blackbelt. I have stayed in it for a total of 3 years, i think. I don't quite remember the time frame, i just put the effort into it.

RandomBlog2- REVAMPED- trips back and forth from Bibb County and AUM

The trips from AUM back to my home county of Bibb County. Bibb County is under Tuscaloosa. It is an hour and thirty minute drive back and forth for me. The past few thursdays when i get done with all of my classes, I leave AUM to go back up to Bibb, then I come back to AUM sunday afternoons so I can be ready for classes monday morning. It is an 81 mile drive (total 162 miles going back and forth). I usually listen to music on my phone to pass the time. I cant wait for whenever i get back home from AUM, because I get to spend time with my family and friends for the weekend. Usually I work on homework friday and saturday mornings till 5:00 in the evening, then i go hangout with my friend at the gas staiton where she works. Then when sunday mornings come around i go to church, then after that, i usually go hangout with my friend one last time before i drive my way back to AUM.

Favorite Food

I absolutely love food. I have eaten many-o-times in my 19 year life. I have eaten many things and i have loved sooo much of it all. Its really tough for me to pick out a favorite food, because i love soo many. But right now, i will pick one of my favorites, Chicken Fettuccine smothered in Alfredo Sauce. Alfredo Sauce is one of my favorite sauces, plus it goes great with chicken, (which i love chicken because i am carnivorous), and it really helps to have those big ole' noodles to slurp up, covered in Alfredo sauce. Oh my goodness the wonders of Chicken Fettuccine smothered in Alfredo Sauce! i could go for some right now! I am seriously contemplating just walking out of class right now and getting some. Its really hard not to think about. My mouth is drooling. I cant help but have a blank stare on my face and visualizing Chicken Fettuccine smothered in Alfredo Sauce. i could eat it by the gallons.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Things that annoy me

1) my blood pressure and other stress related issues
2) stupid people that annoy me in many different ways
3) when i accidentally hurt myself
4) when people i dont like are around me
5) road rage

These are some of the things that annoy me the most, but right now, the one that annoys me most in particular, is the first one. My blood pressure and other stress related issues. Lately, my mind has been 800,000 different places and doesn't really quite know what to think when for being pulled apart multiple directions, but hey, that's what college is made to do. Now obviously, my mind hasn't really been 800,000 different places, but, i have had worried entirely too much about some stupid things and some things i feel certain ways about. I hate that it is all in my head, and some things i want out of my head, are having a hard time going out the door. I hate that certain things i stress over start getting to my blood pressure, then i have to worry about it. I have had a few "reliefs" here lately, so those are a couple of things i don't have to worry about.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Random Blog3-Friends

I have a few friends back in Bibb County, and i guess i have some friends here. i dont really admit to calling them friends yet, because they hardly know me and vice versa, so i actually call them "Floor People". Which, is just a shorter way of saying, (other people who live on the same floor as me in North Commons). So, yeah, there is my blog about the 2 main groups of people i associate myself with.

RandomBlog2-The Trips from AUM to Bibb County

The trips from AUM back to my home county of Bibb County. Bibb county is under Tuscaloosa. it is an 1:30 drive back and forth for me. The past few thursdays when i get done with all of my classes, i leave AUM to go back up to Bibb, then i come back to AUM sunday afternoons so i can be ready for classes monday morning. It is an 81 mile drive (total 162 miles going back and forth). I usually listen to music on my phone to pass the time.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

SongBlog- why is it my favorite? Textual Analysis

I dont really have a favorite song, i just have so many songs that i do like enough to be my favorites. for the most part thought, i am very picky about what i listen to, because i dont like every song by one artist. its more like, i like multiple songs from multiple artists, but not all the songs. i am biased in what i listen to. But, for the sake of this assignment, ill just pick one of my favs and go with it.

Gonna Fly Now (theme song from the Rocky movies)  by Bill Conti. I really like this song because its a great song to workout to and its a great motivator for things like that. Here lately, i have tried to find many songs that motivate me for reasons like that. I have a playlist with around 60 songs that motivate me in that fashion, or i just really like the songs. Its a fairly well known tune heard by anyone who has seen the Rocky movies. The combination of the 80's electric guitar, and the trumpets and other instruments like that you would see in a high school band, really get me going.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A time I hid from someone-THE WALMART GAMES

Oh joy, the wonders of hiding. this is going to be a little kid story. Hehe. Honestly, i dont remember a whole lot, so, im just gonna lie about most of it to appease the audience.

There was one time where i and mom went to walmart. I liked to play a game called, "hide from mom and scare her to death".  Keep in mind, i was only a mere little child. Anyway, i would run around the store and hide from not just mom, but all people. and what better place than hiding inside the circular clothes-racks. it was such a comfortable feeling knowing that i could hide in a pretty comfy place while knowing you were "invisible". I played this game many-o-times. Every time, mom found me. So, i never won the game, but i tried really hard, trollololol. Also, i and a few friends played a game called "spy" where we had to run across walmart from corner to opposite corner without being seen a certain amount of times. If we had gotten seen once, we lost a life. Before we started each game, we decided on a certain amount of lives to start out with. If we ran out of lives, we lost and gave each other wedgies for losing. It felt great to have never lost, lol, because i would lie about losing, trollolol.

Monday, September 17, 2012

the random sometime around-9:00 blog

First out of class not-assigned blog. i know i gotta have 70 or so of these things, so, here is to my 7th one, or 8th i dont quite remember. anyway, my topic is about the late night munchies.

Yes, late night munchies. they get to most of us at somepoint during, the latenight. i speak of this, becuase, i have a small case of latenight munchies right now. i could use some yogurt, or taco bell right about now. i wish i had some more food. i usually keep a good bit of it in the room, but, i have a tendency to eat it all at somepoint, so, i gotta go to some grocery store. like walmart or some mess. i cant believe the spell check just said i misspelled walmart! anyway, this blog was made solely for the purpose to waste a few minutes, which it has done so, now i will end the blog by, well, stop typing.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Letter to my teacher

Dear Teacher,

You were a great History teacher! I always loved your class. You were great at keeping the students' attention while actually teaching the material you were suppose to. You have always been a personal favorite of mine, and many, many other students as well. Whenever people said that they didn't like you, they never had any legitimate reason to not like you. So your awesome, at times hysterical, and you find a way to connect greatly with all the students. Granted, you also had Majored in Psychology, so you knew how the students felt about things and understood us. I always enjoyed being in your class and you have taught me so much about history. I am very glad to have had a teacher whose class I actually enjoyed going to for classes, which is not the feeling of 90% of classes.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Weather!

The weather has been very mean-looking here lately, due to a tropical storm by the name of Isaac. And Isaac, has a nasty attitude that is shown by him clapping lightning bolts upon the ground, and sweats a whole lot, which produces rain among the people of the United States of America, particularly in the south. The storm itself went through Louisiana and we barely feel rain effects from this storm. Today in particular, I have woken to a cloudy darkness in the sky. I don't like that, I like sunny mornings. It kinda makes me worry a little bit for the people who are in the way of the storm and hope that they are alright. I hope this storm disappears soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Other Classes

I am currently taking six other classes besides this English Comp 1 class. They are: Math 800 and 801 (Intermediate Algebra and IA Lab), World History since 1648 (1020), Educ 1220 (College Readiness class), Biology 1010 and 1011 (Biology and Bio Lab).

My opinions of my other classes are: Math 800 has a good teacher. World History has a better teacher (in terms of how interesting the person is). Educ 1220 is a class that i find myself with more work in than most classes. I get really sleepy during the Biology, Bio Lab, and Math 800, because they are later in the day classes.

I particularly enjoy my history class the most because the teacher is very easy to follow along with, and i don't get sleepy in his class, because he tends to tell stories that are somewhat relevant to the lesson. In that class right now, we are discussing how South East Asia was during the 14th-19th centuries. In Biology and Bio Lab, we are working on Chemistry, things like molecules,  ions, bonds and other things of a chemistry nature. In Math 800 and 801, we are currently about to take our first test, on polynomials. In Educ 1220, as i mentioned earlier, i find that i usually work on stuff for that class fairly often, but, its suppose to be like that because i only have that class for 8 weeks.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

 My Discourse Community Blog!

My longest blog to date, is about the Discourse community. What's a discourse community? its the way you talk or act around different groups of people and the vocabulary that you use when you are around specific groups. the three i am going to blog about are, My Church, My parents, and My friends. I guarantee, most people do NOT have all the same vocabulary/discourse community when around everyone in there daily lives. It"s a kind of adaptable thing we as humans do to communicate, to be specific with close people.

My first discourse community- the Ada Chapel Bible Methodist Church! of course, the church life of anyone should be a really talked about discourse community. People are always nice and kind at my church, because we all know each other for the most part and respect and love one-another. so, we have nicer discourse community without all the vulgar language. Words or statements used for example: Salvation, "my walk with Christ", Father, Lord, Dear Heavenly Father, and many more examples of my Church discourse community verbiage are available.

My second discourse community- parents, surely everyone talks about this one, because i am 100% certain not every child talks to their parents like they do to friends. It's just not teenage like to have complete honesty, in terms of child talking-to-parent. Examples of my verbiage are- "im hungry", "did you bring anything home to eat?", "how did you get up before me, you always sleep late?", "come down here and watch t.v. with me!", "i want 2 Bacon egg and cheese Mc Griddles", and last but not least, "son, its times like these were you have to thank the Lord for letting you hit the golf-ball in the fairway", "TKD", "son, you have the prettiest blue eyes, but only because i made them".

My third and final discourse community is, my friends.- Every kid that has 'em, eventually develops their own discourse community, in about two minutes of meeting each other. Most all friendships thrive on words that relate to special things in their relationships. Whether it be things that makes them laugh, or happy, or cheers them up, whatever the case may be. Examples for me are as follows: "It's a Trap", "i want a pepsi max", "lets watch a disney movie", "Honey badger don't care", "o.k. princess", "Your best friend's a Gater?", "Senior Field Agent", "the Goodside", "How come you have betrayed us?, thats just one more person im gonna have to waste boot-power on", "Whatcha got to eat?", "im gonna beat you in Halo", "no, not even in your dreams, infact, the only way i would lose in Halo to you, is if God decided to chop my hands off so i couldnt use the controller, and i still have a 99.99993 percent win rate if i played using my toes". "true dat", "that's whats up", "burnt your biscuits", "nothing", "bring me, a shrubbery", "(evil clown laugh)", "why dont we just tag-team and shoot him since he is in the way of us shooting each other".

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I read How to read like a writer and I found it to be interesting that you can read from the writers point of view. The different ways to get peoples attention when starting writing and thinking like what type of crowd that you appease. I used to read and write a lot when I was younger, but I lost my interest in reading for the longest time. Now I feel like I can only read what peaks my interest, to actually be into what I'm reading. I thought it was a good experience to try to think differently in terms of reading from the author's point of view.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I am planning on majoring in Athletic Training. So that way, I can go into any of the following professions: Coaching, Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, Sports Medicine,Personal Trainig, and other things of that nature. As for a career, Iam really unsure what I want my career to be, but I have picked a good major that can stem-out and be relevant to all of these careers.

Things that i used to want to do:

A few years ago i actually thought about Politics, but some self realization made me think, "I hate talking infront of large amounts of people", so it was kinda shot out of the sky.

There was a decently long time where I wanted to be a special agent for the F.B.I. or some organization that had to do with Law Enforcement. But, I knew that these are fairly low paying jobs, so I decided I wasnt doing that.

Hey yall, I'm Cayman Seagle. I am from West Blocton, (that's in Bibb County AL, under Tuscaloosa).
This is my first blog!

English is my worst subject. I am kinda english illiterate. (See i just tried to use a big word). I am also not very wonderful with computers. Some times, I think English is a honeybadger getting ready to attack me. I just dont find English very fun. Except for British Literature, I do like it. I have learned in my years of taking high school english is that I am terrible with grammar.

Ok, moving on to a different subject, english is kinda depressing. So, im gonna talk more about me.
I go to college at Auburn University of Montgomery, Go Warhawks! After my freshman year here at AUM, I plan on going to Auburn University and I plan on majoring in Athletic Training. Oh, and I also a pretty big Auburn fan, War Eagle! I wish that AUM had a college football team, but unfortuantely, they dont. unhappyface.